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Old Dog's Thoughts on Quality

February 13, 2017

Old Dog's Thoughts on Quality

Well it’s finally here, the opening of the Barra Season for 2017! Hallelujah and a sigh!!

Many of you have probably been counting down since the day the season closed! Have you been servicing your reels, repairing guides on rods, replacing rusted hooks on lures and carrying out maintenance on your boat? For me I’ve been working like a dog just trying to build stock because I know what the season will bring.

I have 30+ years of experience to draw on. I like to think this means I know and understand what lure fisher-people want. I know through this experience that my designs are tried and proven; the colour range catches fisher-people and fish. I know that what you want, and need in these tough Australian conditions, is strength and quality.

The other day Judi (Mrs Old Dog) and I were working away and having a quite chat and she said to me “What would you say is the thing you think about most when it comes to our lures?”.

I thought about it, cautiously wondering "Is this a trick question?" as I know how easy it can be to land in hot water! After some consideration I said “Quality.” Quality is what drives me; making a quality product that I can be proud of and fisher-people can be confident using.

Way back when I was but a pup and I started lure fishing I used Nils Master lures. They were kept in a glass display case in the tackle shop I frequented. I used to go to that tackle shop most days and just drool – you think the lady at the tackle shop would have moved them out of that glass display case because of the hours she must have spent cleaning up my drool!

Anyway, those lures were $4.95 for a four inch model and $5.95 each for a six inch model. I was earning $120 a week as a motor mechanic. Each Friday on pay day I couldn’t wait to finish work. I would run out, jump in my car and head to that tackle shop (not the pub) to buy two Nils Master lures. Sometimes I would even lay-by a couple of extras. (Some of you may have to Google lay-by 😉) I spent roughly 10% of my wages each week on those two lures and when they were gone that was it until next pay day! In a nutshell that is why I started making my own lures.

These days a lure of similar quality costs on average about $20.00. What percentage of your pay would that be if you bought two lures at today's pricing? Have lures actually gotten cheaper? Interesting exercise, hey? If you'd like to share your answer (without your personal wage specifics, of course), I'd love to hear it.

Click here to email me your answer!

That is one of the reasons quality is my main driver, I know what it was like for me when I purchased my two lures and there was a lot more riding on that purchase then catching a barra.

I stand behind my products and I want you to know when you buy one of my products that you are buying quality and you can use it with confidence.


Dave - The Old Dog

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